Auxiliary script short.output.R
The auxiliary script short.output.R
below is loaded in the R code for chapters 16+17.
The chapter R code assumes that the script is placed in a subdirectory ‘R’ of the current working directory.
You can download the script here.
## short.output.R
## Code to capture and truncate the output of any R command
## Copyright (C) 2015 Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner
short.output <- function(e, ..., excised=NULL, maxwidth=NULL){
x <-
x <- x[!(names(x) %in% c("excised", "maxwidth"))]
if(length(x) > 2) {
## Specified output lines
ll <- as.character(x[-(1:2)])
## Resolve ranges of line numbers ##
index <- grep("-", ll)
n <- length(index)
r <- ll[index]
ll <- ll[-index]
for(i in 1:n){
s <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(r[i], "-")))
ll <- c(ll, seq(from = s[1], to = s[2]))
ll <- as.numeric(ll)
ll <- sort(ll)
} else ll <- NULL
## Evaluate expression and capture output
out <- capture.output(eval(e))
## retain only selected lines
if(length(ll) > 0)
out <- out[ll]
## remove NA's caused by indexing
if(any(bad <- {
out <- out[!bad]
ll <- ll[!bad]
## insert a string like "[...]" where lines have been deleted
nl <- length(ll)
if(nl > 0 && !is.null(excised)) {
newout <- character()
for(i in 1:nl) {
newout <- c(newout, out[i])
if(i < nl && (ll[i+1] > ll[i] + 1))
newout <- c(newout, excised)
out <- newout
out <- substr(out, 1, maxwidth)
cat(out, sep = "\n")
skipblanklines <- function(e) {
out <- capture.output(eval(e))
for(i in seq_along(out))
if(nchar(out[i]) > 0) splat(out[i])
## eg:
## library(spatstat)
## short.output(ppm(swedishpines~1,Strauss(9)), 3-5)