Below is the R code used to generate results and figures in chapter 7.
The code is in a rather raw format extracted from the book manuscript files – please read the instructions for use if you haven’t done so yet.
You can download the script here .
### R code from vignette source '07correlation.Rnw'
## Copyright (C) Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner
### code chunk number 1: 07correlation.Rnw:9-12
source ( "R/startup.R" )
spatstat.options ( terse = 2 )
requireversion ( spatstat , "1.41-1.021" )
### code chunk number 2: 07correlation.Rnw:43-48
set.seed ( 12345 )
inde <- rpoispp ( 100 )
regu <- rSSI ( 0.09 , 70 )
clus <- rMatClust ( 30 , 0.05 , 4 )
save ( inde , regu , clus , file = datafilepath ( "trichotomy.rda" ))
### code chunk number 3: Unit3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 19 , 0.9 )
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 4: 07correlation.Rnw:54-57
plot ( solist ( regu , inde , clus ),
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 0.3 , pch = 16 )
### code chunk number 5: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 6: 07correlation.Rnw:165-172
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 3 ))
xl <- c ( 0.03 , 0.71 )
yl <- c ( 1 / 7 , 7 )
miplot ( regu , main = "" , xlim = xl , ylim = yl , log = "xy" , pch = 3 )
miplot ( inde , main = "" , xlim = xl , ylim = yl , log = "xy" , pch = 3 )
miplot ( clus , main = "" , xlim = xl , ylim = yl , log = "xy" , pch = 3 )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 7: 07correlation.Rnw:268-292
## Fry plot example
X <- cells [ shift ( square ( 0.4 ), c ( 0.6 , 0.6 ))]
W <- as.owin ( X )
B0 <- square ( c ( -1 , 1 ) * 0.3 )
B <- shift ( B0 , X [ 6 ])
A <- boundingbox ( B , W )
FB0 <- frypoints ( X )[ B0 ]
FB <- shift ( FB0 , X [ 6 ])
## set up a 'layered' object containing all steps in making the Fry plot.
## Then use [ ] to select intermediate stages
steps <- layered ( blankspace = A ,
printedpage = W ,
datapoints = X ,
transparency = B ,
centre = X [ 6 ],
copying = X [ -6 ][ B ],
full = FB )
layerplotargs ( steps ) <- list ( list ( type = "n" ),
list ( col = "darkgrey" ), # grey background
list ( cols = "white" , pch = 16 ), # white dots
list (),
list ( pch = 3 , cex = 1.5 , lwd = 2 ), # crosshairs
list ( pch = 1 , lwd = 4 ), # large open circles
list ( pch = 1 , lwd = 2 , cex = 0.85 )) # open circles
### code chunk number 8: 07correlation.Rnw:296-297
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 9: 07correlation.Rnw:301-304
plot ( solist ( steps [ 1 : 3 ], steps [ 1 : 5 ], steps [ 1 : 6 ], steps [ c ( 1 , 4 , 5 , 7 )]),
main = "" , main.panel = paren ( letters [ 1 : 4 ]), equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = 0.1 , hsep = 1 , nrows = 1 , font.main = 3 , cex.main = 0.7 )
### code chunk number 10: Unit3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 19 , 0.9 )
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 11: 07correlation.Rnw:325-334
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 3 ))
w <- 0.5
fryplot ( regu , main = "" , width = w , cex = 0.5 )
points ( 0 , 0 , pch = 3 , cex = 2 )
fryplot ( inde , main = "" , width = w , cex = 0.5 )
points ( 0 , 0 , pch = 3 , cex = 2 )
fryplot ( clus , main = "" , width = w , cex = 0.5 )
points ( 0 , 0 , pch = 3 , cex = 2 , col = "white" )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 12: 07correlation.Rnw:491-502
set.seed ( 99999 )
XX <- runifpoint ( 30 )
RR <- 0.2
showT <- function ( i , X = XX , r = RR , adj = c ( -1 , -1 )) {
D <- disc ( radius = r , centre = X [ i ])
plot ( D , add = TRUE , lty = 2 )
tiX <- sum ( pairdist ( X )[ i ,] <= r ) - 1
adj <- adj * r / 4
text ( X $ x [ i ] + adj [ 1 ], X $ y [ i ] + adj [ 2 ], tiX )
invisible ( NULL )
### code chunk number 13: Unit.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.7 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 14: 07correlation.Rnw:507-508
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 15: 07correlation.Rnw:512-520
plot ( grow.rectangle ( Window ( XX ), RR ), type = "n" , main = "" )
plot ( XX , add = TRUE , show.all = TRUE , main = "" , pch = 16 )
showT ( 11 )
showT ( 7 )
showT ( 8 )
showT ( 5 )
showT ( 3 , adj = c ( -1.5 , 0 ))
showT ( 16 , adj = c ( -1.5 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 16: 07correlation.Rnw:591-597
Kregu <- Kest ( regu , correction = "iso" )
Kinde <- Kest ( inde , correction = "iso" )
Kclus <- Kest ( clus , correction = "iso" )
Lregu <- Lest ( regu , correction = "iso" )
Linde <- Lest ( inde , correction = "iso" )
Lclus <- Lest ( clus , correction = "iso" )
### code chunk number 17: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 18: 07correlation.Rnw:601-602
setmargins ( 0.1 + c ( 3 , 4 , 0 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 19: 07correlation.Rnw:606-614
yr <- range ( Kclus , Kinde , Kregu )
plot ( Kregu , iso ~ r , lty = 1 , main = "" , legend = FALSE , ylim = yr ,
ylab = expression ( italic ( hat ( K )( r ))))
plot ( Kinde , iso ~ r , lty = 3 , add = TRUE )
plot ( Kclus , iso ~ r , lty = 2 , add = TRUE )
legend ( "topleft" , bty = "n" ,
lty = c ( 2 , 3 , 1 ), lwd = 2 ,
legend = c ( "clustered" , "independent" , "regular" ))
### code chunk number 20: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 21: 07correlation.Rnw:751-752
setmargins ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
### code chunk number 22: 07correlation.Rnw:756-761
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 3 ))
plot ( Kregu , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Kinde , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Kclus , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 23: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 24: 07correlation.Rnw:829-830
setmargins ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
### code chunk number 25: 07correlation.Rnw:834-839
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 3 ))
plot ( Lregu , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Linde , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Lclus , main = "" , col = 1 , legend = FALSE )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 26: 07correlation.Rnw:909-912
set.seed ( 1492 )
KCI <- lohboot ( clus , "Kest" )
KE <- envelope ( clus , nsim = 39 , verbose = FALSE )
### code chunk number 27: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 28: 07correlation.Rnw:918-921
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( KCI , legend = FALSE , main = "" )
plot ( KE , legend = FALSE , main = "" )
### code chunk number 29: 07correlation.Rnw:994-996
K <- Kest ( cells )
Ki <- Kest ( cells , correction = "isotropic" )
### code chunk number 30: 07correlation.Rnw:1036-1037
Lc <- Lest ( cells )
### code chunk number 31: 07correlation.Rnw:1084-1086
Xfool <- rpoispp ( function ( x , y ) 500 * exp ( -3 * x - 2 * y ))
Kfool <- Kest ( Xfool , correction = "iso" )
### code chunk number 32: UnitFvLeft.Rnw:4-5
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 33: 07correlation.Rnw:1093-1094
plot ( Xfool , main = "" , pch = 16 )
### code chunk number 34: UnitFvRight.Rnw:6-7
setmargins ( 3 , 3.5 , 0.25 , 0.1 )
### code chunk number 35: 07correlation.Rnw:1097-1099
par ( pty = "s" )
plot ( Kfool , main = "" )
### code chunk number 36: 07correlation.Rnw:1165-1166
set.seed ( 19191 )
### code chunk number 37: 07correlation.Rnw:1168-1169
Xcell <- rcell ( nx = 15 )
### code chunk number 38: UnitFvLeft.Rnw:4-5
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 39: 07correlation.Rnw:1184-1185
plot ( Xcell , main = "" , pch = 16 , cex = 0.8 )
### code chunk number 40: UnitFvRight.Rnw:6-7
setmargins ( 3 , 3.5 , 0.25 , 0.1 )
### code chunk number 41: 07correlation.Rnw:1188-1189
plot ( Kest ( Xcell ), cbind ( iso , theo ) ~ r , main = "" , cex = 0.85 )
### code chunk number 42: 07correlation.Rnw:1323-1346
## synthetic example
set.seed ( 20142014 )
W <- square ( 1 )
Wplus <- grow.rectangle ( W , 1 , 0.5 )
P <- ppp ( 0.9 , 0.85 , window = W )
Xplus <- rSSI ( 0.07 , 150 , win = Wplus , x.init = P [ Wplus ])[ -1 ]
R <- 0.4
DD <- disc ( R , P )
inDD <- inside.owin ( Xplus , , DD )
tir <- sum ( inDD )
FieldDemo <- layered ( Wplus , Xplus [ ! inDD ], Xplus [ inDD ], P , P , W , DD )
layerplotargs ( FieldDemo ) <- list ( list ( type = "n" ),
list ( pch = 1 ),
list ( pch = 16 ),
list ( pch = 1 ),
list ( pch = 3 , cex = 1.2 ),
list ( lwd = 2 ),
list ( lty = 2 , lwd = 2 ))
BB <- boundingbox ( W , DD )
X <- Xplus [ W ]
inDW <- inside.owin ( X , , DD )
EdgeDemo <- layered ( BB , X [ ! inDW ], X [ inDW ], P , P , W , DD )
layerplotargs ( EdgeDemo ) <- layerplotargs ( FieldDemo )
### code chunk number 43: 07correlation.Rnw:1350-1351
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 44: 07correlation.Rnw:1355-1356
plot ( FieldDemo , main = "" )
### code chunk number 45: 07correlation.Rnw:1409-1410
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 46: 07correlation.Rnw:1414-1415
plot ( EdgeDemo , main = "" )
### code chunk number 47: 07correlation.Rnw:1429-1489
## set up example data for edge corrections
## smoothed version of Australia
W <- closing ( Window ( austates ), 2.25 )
## points to be considered
P <- ppp ( c ( 135.0 , 146.7 ), c ( -27.3 , -22.4 ), window = W )
R <- pairdist ( P )[ 1 , 2 ] # about 13
## fake data including these points
set.seed ( 1919191 )
XX <- rSSI ( 1 , 50 , W , x.init = P )
## edge effect
D <- disc ( radius = R , centre = P [ 1 ])
Dnew <- setminus.owin ( D , union.owin ( W , dilation ( XX , 1 )))
Xmissed <- rSSI ( 1 , 8 , Dnew )
Bplus <- grow.rectangle ( boundingbox ( W ), 4 )
Xplus <- rSSI ( 1 , 160 , Bplus , x.init = superimpose ( XX , Xmissed , W = Bplus ))
OtherEdgeDemo <- layered ( Bplus , Xplus , W , D , P [ 1 ])
PCEX <- 1.2
layerplotargs ( OtherEdgeDemo ) <- list ( list ( type = "n" ),
list ( cex = PCEX ),
list ( lwd = 2 ),
list ( lty = 2 ),
list ( pch = 16 , cex = PCEX ))
## border correction
Rsmall <- 3
Wminus <- erosion ( W , Rsmall )
Y <- XX [ bdist.points ( XX ) >= Rsmall ]
bdY <- bdist.points ( Y )
Imarginal <- which.min ( ifelse ( bdY > 1.2 * Rsmall , bdY , Inf ))
Pmarginal <- Y [ Imarginal ]
Dmarginal <- disc ( radius = Rsmall , centre = Pmarginal )
BordDemo <- layered ( W , Wminus , XX , Pmarginal , Dmarginal )
layerplotargs ( BordDemo ) <- list ( list (),
list ( col = grey ( 0.5 ), border = NA ),
list ( pch = 1 , cex = PCEX ),
list ( pch = 16 , cex = PCEX ),
list ( lty = 2 , lwd = 2 ))
## isotropic correction
D <- disc ( radius = R , centre = P [ 1 ])
Din <- edges ( D )[ W ]
BBI <- boundingbox ( W , D )
RipleyDemo <- layered ( BBI , W , XX , D , Din , P )
layerplotargs ( RipleyDemo ) <- list ( list ( type = "n" ),
list ( lwd = 2 ),
list ( cex = PCEX ),
list ( lty = 2 ),
list ( lwd = 7 , col = grey ( 0.4 )),
list ( pch = 16 , cex = PCEX ))
## translation correction
Arr <- onearrow ( P )
v <- unlist ( lapply ( coords ( Arr ), diff ))
Ws <- shift ( W , - v )
WsW <- intersect.owin ( W , Ws )
BBT <- boundingbox ( W , Ws )
TransDemo <- layered ( BBT , WsW , Ws , W , XX , Arr )
layerplotargs ( TransDemo ) <- list ( list ( type = "n" ),
list ( col = "grey" ),
list ( lty = 2 ),
list ( lwd = 2 ),
list ( cex = PCEX ),
list ( do.points = TRUE , pch = 16 , cex = PCEX ))
### code chunk number 48: 07correlation.Rnw:1511-1513
set.seed ( 1918 )
unK <- Kest ( runifpoint ( 100 ), correction = "none" )
### code chunk number 49: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 50: 07correlation.Rnw:1517-1518
setmargins ( 3 , 3.5 , 0.25 , 0.1 )
### code chunk number 51: 07correlation.Rnw:1522-1523
plot ( unK , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 52: 07correlation.Rnw:1547-1548
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 53: 07correlation.Rnw:1552-1553
plot ( BordDemo , main = "" )
### code chunk number 54: 07correlation.Rnw:1655-1658
set.seed ( 999 )
X20 <- runifpoint ( 20 )
K20 <- Kest ( X20 )
### code chunk number 55: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 56: 07correlation.Rnw:1662-1663
setmargins ( 3 , 3.5 , 0.25 , 0.1 )
### code chunk number 57: 07correlation.Rnw:1667-1668
plot ( K20 , cbind ( border , theo ) ~ r , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 58: 07correlation.Rnw:1735-1736
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 59: 07correlation.Rnw:1740-1741
plot ( RipleyDemo , main = "" )
### code chunk number 60: 07correlation.Rnw:1891-1892
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 61: 07correlation.Rnw:1896-1897
plot ( TransDemo , main = "" )
### code chunk number 62: 07correlation.Rnw:2032-2034
KC <- Kest ( cells )
### code chunk number 63: fv2title.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 64: 07correlation.Rnw:2080-2085
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ), pty = "s" , cex = 0.8 )
aa <- plot ( Kest ( swedishpines ), legendargs = list ( bty = "o" ))
if ( monochrome ) aa [, "col" ] <- 1
aa <- subset ( aa , select =- key )
plot ( Kest ( swedishpines ), iso ~ r , main = "" )
### code chunk number 65: 07correlation.Rnw:2100-2101
### code chunk number 66: 07correlation.Rnw:2137-2139 (eval = FALSE)
## Ks <- Kest(swedishpines)
## plot(Ks, iso ~ r)
### code chunk number 67: 07correlation.Rnw:2143-2144
Ks <- Kest ( swedishpines )
### code chunk number 68: 07correlation.Rnw:2207-2208
K <- Kest ( swedishpines )
### code chunk number 69: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 70: 07correlation.Rnw:2213-2214
setmargins ( 3 , 4 , 0.1 , 0.1 )
### code chunk number 71: 07correlation.Rnw:2218-2222
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ), pty = "s" )
plot ( K , . / theo ~ r , main = "" , legendargs = list ( cex = 0.7 , bty = "o" ))
plot ( K , . ~ theo , main = "" , legendargs = list ( cex = 0.7 , bty = "o" ))
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 72: 07correlation.Rnw:2238-2240 (eval = FALSE)
## lambda <- intensity(swedishpines)
## plot(Ks, lambda * . ~ r)
### code chunk number 73: 07correlation.Rnw:2322-2323
Ko <- subset ( Ks , r < 0.1 , select = - border )
### code chunk number 74: 07correlation.Rnw:2332-2335
Ks <- Kest ( swedishpines )
K <- as.function ( Ks )
K ( 9 )
### code chunk number 75: 07correlation.Rnw:2345-2348
K <- as.function ( Ks , value = "." )
K ( 9 )
K ( 9 , "trans" )
### code chunk number 76: 07correlation.Rnw:2358-2361
Kr <- Kest ( redwood )
y <- with ( Kr , iso - theo )
x <- with ( Kr , r )
### code chunk number 77: 07correlation.Rnw:2385-2386
with ( Kr , max ( abs ( iso - theo )))
### code chunk number 78: 07correlation.Rnw:2400-2402
K1 <- Kest ( redwood ) ; K2 <- Kest ( cells )
DK <- eval.fv ( K1 - K2 )
### code chunk number 79: 07correlation.Rnw:2458-2470
X <- swedishpines
W <- Window ( X )
D2 <- disc ( radius = 30 , centre = X [ 24 ])
D1 <- disc ( radius = 28 , centre = X [ 24 ])
OO <- setminus.owin ( D2 , D1 )
# disc
Pic1 <- layered ( W , D1 , X , X [ 24 ])
# thin ring
Pic2 <- layered ( W , OO , X , X [ 24 ])
layerplotargs ( Pic1 ) <-
layerplotargs ( Pic2 ) <-
list ( list (), list ( col = grey ( 0.55 )), list ( pch = 16 ), list ( pch = 3 , cex = 2 ))
### code chunk number 80: Unit2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 81: 07correlation.Rnw:2476-2478
plot ( solist ( Pic1 , Pic2 ), main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
equal.scales = TRUE , mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1 )
### code chunk number 82: 07correlation.Rnw:2522-2529
M <- 20
ff <- function ( i , j ) owin ( c ( i , i +1 ) / M , c ( j , j +1 ) / M )
P1 <- ff ( 0 , 0 )
P2 <- ff ( 19 , 7 )
X1 <- runifpoint ( 1 , P1 )
X2 <- runifpoint ( 1 , P2 )
BB <- boundingbox ( P1 , P2 )
### code chunk number 83: 07correlation.Rnw:2540-2541
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 84: 07correlation.Rnw:2545-2552
plot ( BB , type = "n" , main = "" )
plot ( P1 , add = TRUE , col = "grey" )
plot ( P2 , add = TRUE , col = "grey" )
plot ( X1 , add = TRUE , pch = 16 , cex = 0.7 )
plot ( X2 , add = TRUE , pch = 16 , cex = 0.7 )
arrows ( 1 / 20 , 1 / 20 , 19 / 20 , 7 / 20 , angle = 10 , lwd = 2 , code = 3 )
text ( 10 / 20 , 4 / 20 , "r" , pos = 3 , srt = atan ( 0.4 ) * 180 / pi , cex = 1 , font = 3 )
### code chunk number 85: 07correlation.Rnw:2608-2611
gregu <- pcf ( regu , correction = "iso" , divisor = "d" )
ginde <- pcf ( inde , correction = "iso" , divisor = "d" )
gclus <- pcf ( clus , correction = "iso" , divisor = "d" )
### code chunk number 86: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 87: 07correlation.Rnw:2615-2616
setmargins ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
### code chunk number 88: 07correlation.Rnw:2620-2625
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 3 ))
plot ( gregu , main = "" , legend = FALSE , ylab = expression ( g ( r )), ylim.covers = c ( 0 , 2 ))
plot ( ginde , main = "" , legend = FALSE , ylab = expression ( g ( r )), ylim.covers = c ( 0 , 2 ))
plot ( gclus , main = "" , legend = FALSE , ylab = expression ( g ( r )), ylim.covers = c ( 0 , 2 ))
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 89: 07correlation.Rnw:2766-2768 (eval = FALSE)
## g <- pcf(cells)
## plot(g)
### code chunk number 90: 07correlation.Rnw:2808-2811
P <- copper $ Points
g1 <- pcf ( P , correction = "isotropic" )
g2 <- pcf ( P , correction = "isotropic" , divisor = "d" )
### code chunk number 91: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 92: 07correlation.Rnw:2817-2820
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( g1 , main = "" , ylim = c ( 0 , 10 ), lwd = 2 , legend = FALSE )
plot ( g2 , main = "" , ylim = c ( 0 , 10 ), lwd = 2 , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 93: 07correlation.Rnw:2842-2844 (eval = FALSE)
## K <- Kest(shapley)
## g <- pcf(K, spar=0.5)
### code chunk number 94: 07correlation.Rnw:2942-2945 (eval = FALSE)
## swp <- rescale(swedishpines)
## Kvb <- varblock(swp, Kest, nx=3, ny=3)
## plot(Kvb)
### code chunk number 95: 07correlation.Rnw:3007-3009 (eval = FALSE)
## Kloh <- lohboot(swp, Kest)
## plot(Kloh)
### code chunk number 96: 07correlation.Rnw:3016-3023
swp <- rescale ( swedishpines )
Kvb <- varblock ( swp , Kest , nx = 3 , ny = 3 )
Kloh <- lohboot ( swp , Kest )
xyV <- plot ( Kvb , limitsonly = TRUE )
xlim <- xyV $ xlim
xyL <- plot ( Kloh , limitsonly = TRUE , xlim = xlim )
ylim <- range ( xyV $ ylim , xyL $ ylim )
### code chunk number 97: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 98: 07correlation.Rnw:3029-3033
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( Kvb , main = "" , legend = FALSE , xlim = xlim , ylim = ylim , lty = c ( 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 ))
plot ( Kloh , main = "" , legend = FALSE , xlim = xlim , ylim = ylim )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 99: 07correlation.Rnw:3073-3074 (eval = FALSE)
## Lg <- lohboot(swp, Lest, global=TRUE)
### code chunk number 100: 07correlation.Rnw:3078-3079 (eval = FALSE)
## Kg <- eval.fv(pi * Lg^2)
### code chunk number 101: 07correlation.Rnw:3083-3085
Lg <- lohboot ( swp , "Lest" , global = TRUE )
Kg <- eval.fv ( pi * Lg ^ 2 )
### code chunk number 102: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 103: 07correlation.Rnw:3090-3095
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( Lg , cbind ( iso , theo ) ~ r , shade = c ( "lo" , "hi" ), main = "" , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Kg , cbind ( iso , theo ) ~ r , shade = c ( "lo" , "hi" ), main = "" , legend = FALSE ,
ylab = expression ( K ( r )))
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 104: 07correlation.Rnw:3155-3159
set.seed ( 11111918 )
KE <- envelope ( swp , Kest , nsim = 39 , savefuns = TRUE )
Xlim <- c ( 0 , 2 )
Ylim <- plot ( KE , xlim = Xlim , limitsonly = TRUE ) $ ylim
### code chunk number 105: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 106: 07correlation.Rnw:3164-3170
OP <- par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ), pty = "s" )
plot ( attr ( KE , "simfuns" ),
lty = 1 , lwd = 0.5 , main = "" , xlim = Xlim , ylim = Ylim , legend = FALSE )
plot ( KE , add = TRUE , obs ~ r , lwd = 4 , shade = NULL )
plot ( KE , obs ~ r , main = "" , lwd = 4 , xlim = Xlim , ylim = Ylim , legend = FALSE )
par ( OP )
### code chunk number 107: 07correlation.Rnw:3229-3230
E <- envelope ( swp , Kest , nsim = 39 )
### code chunk number 108: 07correlation.Rnw:3236-3238 (eval = FALSE)
## E <- envelope(swp, Kest, nsim=39, fix.n=TRUE)
## plot(E)
### code chunk number 109: 07correlation.Rnw:3246-3247
### code chunk number 110: 07correlation.Rnw:3310-3314
set.seed ( 4224 )
E <- envelope ( swp , Kest , nsim = 19 , rank = 1 , global = TRUE ,
savepatterns = TRUE )
EL <- envelope ( E , Lest , global = TRUE )
### code chunk number 111: 07correlation.Rnw:3318-3319 (eval = FALSE)
## E <- envelope(swp, Kest, nsim=19, rank=1, global=TRUE)
### code chunk number 112: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 113: 07correlation.Rnw:3331-3335
OP <- par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ), pty = "s" )
plot ( E , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
plot ( EL , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
par ( OP )
### code chunk number 114: 07correlation.Rnw:3361-3364
set.seed ( 10981 )
madswede <- mad.test ( swp , Lest , nsim = 99 , rmax = 2 , use.theo = TRUE )
dclfswede <- dclf.test ( swp , Lest , nsim = 99 , rmax = 2 , use.theo = TRUE )
### code chunk number 115: 07correlation.Rnw:3366-3367 (eval = FALSE)
## mad.test(swp, Lest, nsim=99, rmax=2, use.theo=TRUE)
### code chunk number 116: 07correlation.Rnw:3369-3370
### code chunk number 117: 07correlation.Rnw:3383-3384 (eval = FALSE)
## dclf.test(swp, Lest, nsim=99, rmax=2, use.theo=TRUE)$p.value
### code chunk number 118: 07correlation.Rnw:3386-3387
dclfswede $ p.value
### code chunk number 119: 07correlation.Rnw:3406-3407
set.seed ( 19221101 )
### code chunk number 120: 07correlation.Rnw:3413-3415
X <- rSSI ( 0.05 , win = owin ( c ( 0 , 1 ), c ( 0 , 3 )))
Y <- affine ( X , mat = diag ( c ( 1 , 1 / 3 )))
### code chunk number 121: Unit2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 122: 07correlation.Rnw:3424-3425
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 123: 07correlation.Rnw:3429-3433
OP <- par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( Y , pch = 3 , main = "" )
fryplot ( Y , width = 0.2 , cex = 0.3 , main = "" )
par ( OP )
### code chunk number 124: 07correlation.Rnw:3454-3479
X <- swedishpines
W <- Window ( X )
D2 <- disc ( radius = 30 , centre = X [ 24 ])
D1 <- disc ( radius = 16 , centre = X [ 24 ])
Tri <- convexhull.xy ( 35 * c ( 0 , cos ( pi / 12 ), cos ( pi / 3 )),
35 * c ( 0 , sin ( pi / 12 ), sin ( pi / 3 )))
Sec <- intersect.owin ( D2 , shift ( Tri , X [ 24 ]))
## shaded sector
Pic3 <- layered ( W , Sec , X , X [ 24 ])
layerplotargs ( Pic3 ) <-
list ( list (), list ( col = "grey" ), list ( pch = 16 ), list ( pch = 3 , cex = 2 ))
## shaded ring section, arrow between points
Ar <- onearrow ( X [ c ( 24 , 34 )])
BigRing <- setminus.owin ( D2 , D1 )
Tri2 <- convexhull.xy ( 70 * c ( 0 , 1 , cos ( 2 * pi / 3 )),
70 * c ( 0 , 0 , sin ( 2 * pi / 3 )))
Section <- intersect.owin ( BigRing , shift ( Tri2 , X [ 24 ]))
Pic4 <- layered ( W , Section , X , X [ 24 ], Ar )
layerplotargs ( Pic4 ) <-
list ( list (), list ( col = "grey" ), list ( pch = 16 ), list ( pch = 3 , cex = 2 ),
list ( do.points = TRUE , pch = 16 , cex = PCEX ))
halfW <- owin ( c ( 0 , 96 ), c ( 40 , 100 ))
Pic3 <- applytolayers ( Pic3 , "[" , i = halfW )
Pic4 <- applytolayers ( Pic4 , "[" , i = halfW )
### code chunk number 125: 07correlation.Rnw:3483-3484
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 126: 07correlation.Rnw:3489-3490
plot ( Pic3 , main = "" )
### code chunk number 127: 07correlation.Rnw:3520-3528
Khoriz <- Ksector ( Y , begin = -15 , end = 15 , units = "degrees" )
Kvert <- Ksector ( Y , begin = 90-15 , end = 90+15 , units = "degrees" )
dK <- function ( X , ... ) {
K1 <- Ksector ( X , ... , begin = -15 , end = 15 , units = "degrees" )
K2 <- Ksector ( X , ... , begin = 90-15 , end = 90+15 , units = "degrees" )
eval.fv ( 1e4 * ( K1 - K2 ))
CIdK <- varblock ( Y , dK , nx = 5 )
### code chunk number 128: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 129: 07correlation.Rnw:3535-3541
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ), pty = "s" )
plot ( Khoriz , trans / theo ~ r , lty = 2 , main = "" , legend = FALSE ,
ylab = expression ( italic ( K [ sector ]( r ))), ylim = c ( 0 , 1.1 ))
plot ( Kvert , trans / theo ~ r , add = TRUE )
plot ( CIdK , trans ~ r , shade = c ( "hitrans" , "lotrans" ), legend = FALSE ,
ylab = "horizontal - vertical" , main = "" , las = 1 )
### code chunk number 130: 07correlation.Rnw:3559-3561 (eval = FALSE)
## Khoriz <- Ksector(Y, begin = -15, end = 15, units="degrees")
## Kvert <- Ksector(Y, begin = 90-15, end = 90+15, units="degrees")
### code chunk number 131: 07correlation.Rnw:3569-3571 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(Khoriz, trans/theo ~ r, lty=2)
## plot(Kvert, trans/theo ~ r, add=TRUE)
### code chunk number 132: 07correlation.Rnw:3578-3584 (eval = FALSE)
## dK <- function(X, ...) {
## K1 <- Ksector(X, ..., begin = -15, end = 15, units="degrees")
## K2 <- Ksector(X, ..., begin = 90-15, end = 90+15, units="degrees")
## eval.fv(K1-K2)
## }
## CIdK <- varblock(Y, dK, nx=5)
### code chunk number 133: 07correlation.Rnw:3601-3602
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 134: 07correlation.Rnw:3604-3605
plot ( Pic4 , main = "" )
### code chunk number 135: 07correlation.Rnw:3657-3658
f <- pairorient ( Y , r1 = 0.02 , r2 = 0.05 , sigma = 5 )
### code chunk number 136: Unit.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.7 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 137: 07correlation.Rnw:3672-3673
rose ( f , main = "" , col = "grey" )
### code chunk number 138: 07correlation.Rnw:3703-3707
ganiso <- Kmeasure ( Y , sigma = 0.02 , eps = 0.001 )
giso <- rotmean ( ganiso , result = "im" )
grel <- ( ganiso / giso )
detail <- square ( c ( -0.1 , 0.1 ))
### code chunk number 139: Unit2R.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 13 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 4 )
### code chunk number 140: 07correlation.Rnw:3782-3783
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 141: 07correlation.Rnw:3787-3790
plot ( anylist ( ganiso [ detail ], grel [ detail ]),
main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
mar.panel = c ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 ), hsep = 1 , equal.scales = TRUE , box = TRUE )
### code chunk number 142: 07correlation.Rnw:3843-3846 (eval = FALSE)
## ganiso <- Kmeasure(Y, sigma=0.02, eps=0.001)
## detail <- square(c(-0.1,0.1))
## plot(ganiso[detail])
### code chunk number 143: 07correlation.Rnw:3871-3874 (eval = FALSE)
## giso <- rotmean(ganiso, result="im")
## grel <- ganiso/giso
## plot(grel[detail])
### code chunk number 144: 07correlation.Rnw:3906-3907
integral ( ganiso , detail )
### code chunk number 145: 07correlation.Rnw:4117-4119
numata <- residualspaper $ Fig1
lambda <- density ( numata , bw.ppl )
### code chunk number 146: Unit2r.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 )
### code chunk number 147: 07correlation.Rnw:4125-4129
plot ( solist ( layered ( numata , plotargs = list ( pch = 16 )),
lambda ),
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = 0.2 )
### code chunk number 148: 07correlation.Rnw:4150-4152 (eval = FALSE)
## numata <- residualspaper$Fig1
## lambda <- density(numata, bw.ppl)
### code chunk number 149: 07correlation.Rnw:4157-4158
numataK <- Kinhom ( numata , lambda )
### code chunk number 150: 07correlation.Rnw:4171-4172 (eval = FALSE)
## numataK <- Kinhom(numata, sigma=bw.ppl)
### code chunk number 151: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 152: 07correlation.Rnw:4181-4182
plot ( numataK , main = "" )
### code chunk number 153: 07correlation.Rnw:4228-4229 (eval = FALSE)
## g <- pcfinhom(bei)
### code chunk number 154: 07correlation.Rnw:4236-4237 (eval = FALSE)
## g <- pcf(Kinhom(bei))
### code chunk number 155: 07correlation.Rnw:4254-4255
set.seed ( 6828 )
### code chunk number 156: LinhomEnv
lam <- density ( numata , bw.ppl )
E <- envelope ( numata , Linhom , sigma = bw.ppl ,
simulate = expression ( rpoispp ( lam )),
use.theory = TRUE , nsim = 19 , global = TRUE )
### code chunk number 157: 07correlation.Rnw:4263-4264 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(E, . - r ~ r)
### code chunk number 158: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 159: 07correlation.Rnw:4273-4274
plot ( E , . - r ~ r , main = "" , legend = FALSE , ylim = c ( -0.15 , 0.15 ))
### code chunk number 160: 07correlation.Rnw:4371-4374
X <- unmark ( bronzefilter )
fit <- ppm ( X ~ x )
lam <- predict ( fit )
### code chunk number 161: 07correlation.Rnw:4377-4378
Kbro <- Kscaled ( X , lam )
### code chunk number 162: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 163: 07correlation.Rnw:4386-4387
plot ( Kbro , main = "" , legend = FALSE , xlim = c ( 0 , 2 ))
### code chunk number 164: 07correlation.Rnw:4441-4442
lK <- localK ( swedishpines )
### code chunk number 165: 07correlation.Rnw:4450-4452
locK <- ( lK )[, fvnames ( lK , ".a" )]
rr <- with ( lK , r )
### code chunk number 166: 07correlation.Rnw:4460-4461
locH <- hclust ( dist ( t ( locK )))
### code chunk number 167: 07correlation.Rnw:4511-4512
cT <- Tstat ( Xcell )
### code chunk number 168: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 169: 07correlation.Rnw:4518-4519
plot ( cT , cbind ( trans , theo ) ~ r , main = "" , legend = FALSE )