Below is the R code used to generate results and figures in chapter 10.
The code is in a rather raw format extracted from the book manuscript files – please read the instructions for use if you haven’t done so yet.
You can download the script here .
### R code from vignette source '10tests.Rnw'
## Copyright (C) Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner
### code chunk number 1: 10tests.Rnw:9-10
source ( "R/startup.R" )
### code chunk number 2: 10tests.Rnw:13-16
# library(envel) # superseded
# requireversion(envel, "1.6-4")
requireversion ( spatstat , "1.42-2.023" )
### code chunk number 3: 10tests.Rnw:19-22
spatstat.options ( terse = 2 )
Digits <- 3
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 4: 10tests.Rnw:145-159
xx <- seq ( -3 , 3 , length = 1024 )
showdens <- function ( x = xx ) {
plot ( x , dnorm ( x ), type = "l" , main = "" , lwd = 2 ,
ylim = c ( 0 , dnorm ( 0 ) * 1.1 ),
xlab = "t" , ylab = "probability density" , axes = FALSE , xaxs = 'i' , yaxs = 'i' )
box ()
shadeup <- function ( x0 , ... , x = xx ) {
xup <- x [ x >= x0 ]
polygon ( c ( xup , rev ( xup )),
c ( dnorm ( xup ), rep ( 0 , length ( xup ))),
... )
segments ( x0 , 0 , x0 , dnorm ( x0 ), lwd = 2 )
### code chunk number 5: fvSquat.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.65 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 6: 10tests.Rnw:164-165
setmargins ( 3 , 1.5 , 0 , 0 )
### code chunk number 7: 10tests.Rnw:169-173
showdens ()
shadeup ( 1.2 , border = NA , col = "grey" )
axis ( 1 , at = 1.2 , labels = expression ( t [ obs ]))
text ( 1.6 , dnorm ( 1.6 ) / 2 , expression ( p ))
### code chunk number 8: 10tests.Rnw:175-180
showdens ()
shadeup ( 0.6 , border = NA , col = "grey" )
axis ( 1 , at = 0.6 , labels = expression ( t [ crit ]))
axis ( 1 , at = 1.2 , labels = expression ( t [ obs ]))
text ( 1.25 , 0.07 , expression ( alpha ))
### code chunk number 9: 10tests.Rnw:297-299
mur <- lapply ( murchison , rescale , s = 1000 , unitname = "km" )
mur $ dfault <- with ( mur , distfun ( faults ))
### code chunk number 10: 10tests.Rnw:303-305
mfit0 <- ppm ( gold ~ greenstone , data = mur )
mfit1 <- ppm ( gold ~ greenstone + dfault , data = mur )
### code chunk number 11: 10tests.Rnw:308-309
mfit1 <- update ( mfit0 , . ~ . + dfault )
### code chunk number 12: 10tests.Rnw:330-333
Dist <- with ( copper , distfun ( SouthLines ))
cfit0 <- ppm ( SouthPoints ~ 1 , data = copper )
cfit1 <- ppm ( SouthPoints ~ Dist , data = copper )
### code chunk number 13: 10tests.Rnw:374-375
anova ( mfit0 , mfit1 , test = "LRT" )
### code chunk number 14: 10tests.Rnw:396-397
anova ( cfit0 , cfit1 , test = "LRT" )
### code chunk number 15: chorleyload
if ( draftversion ) {
reload.or.compute ( datafilepath ( "chorleyCoarse.rda" ), {
lung <- split ( chorley ) $ lung
larynx <- split ( chorley ) $ larynx
smo <- density ( lung , sigma = 0.15 , eps = 0.1 )
smo <- ( pmax ( smo , 1e-10 ))
Q <- quadscheme ( larynx , eps = 0.5 )
draftmessage <-
"using coarse quadrature scheme, eps=0.5, in draft version"
} else {
reload.or.compute ( datafilepath ( "chorley.rda" ), {
lung <- split ( chorley ) $ lung
larynx <- split ( chorley ) $ larynx
smo <- density ( lung , sigma = 0.15 , eps = 0.1 )
smo <- ( pmax ( smo , 1e-10 ))
Q <- quadscheme ( larynx , eps = 0.1 )
draftmessage <- NULL
### code chunk number 16: 10tests.Rnw:425-428 (eval = FALSE)
## lung <- split(chorley)$lung
## larynx <- split(chorley)$larynx
## Q <- quadscheme(larynx, eps=0.1)
### code chunk number 17: chorleyDfitAgain
d2incin <- function ( x , y , xincin = 354.5 , yincin = 413.6 ) {
( x - xincin ) ^ 2 + ( y - yincin ) ^ 2
raisin <- function ( x , y , alpha , beta ) {
1 + alpha * exp ( - beta * d2incin ( x , y ))
chorleyDfit <- ippm ( Q ~ offset ( log ( smo ) + log ( raisin )),
start = list ( alpha = 5 , beta = 1 ))
### code chunk number 18: 10tests.Rnw:447-448
### code chunk number 19: 10tests.Rnw:452-453
chorley0fit <- update ( chorleyDfit , . ~ offset ( log ( smo )))
### code chunk number 20: 10tests.Rnw:468-469
anova ( chorley0fit , chorleyDfit , test = "LRT" )
### code chunk number 21: 10tests.Rnw:513-514
options ( digits = 3 )
### code chunk number 22: 10tests.Rnw:520-521
coef ( summary ( mfit1 ))
### code chunk number 23: 10tests.Rnw:527-528
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 24: 10tests.Rnw:539-541
V <- coef ( summary ( mfit1 ))[ "dfault" , "Zval" ]
pnorm ( V , lower.tail = TRUE )
### code chunk number 25: 10tests.Rnw:601-602
anova ( mfit0 , mfit1 , test = "Rao" )
### code chunk number 26: 10tests.Rnw:667-668
anova ( cfit0 , cfit1 , test = "score" )
### code chunk number 27: 10tests.Rnw:705-707
dcop <- distfun ( copper $ SouthLines )
berman.test ( cfit0 , dcop )
### code chunk number 28: 10tests.Rnw:903-906
fit2e <- ppm ( bei ~ polynom ( elev , 2 ), data = bei.extra )
M <- quadrat.test ( fit2e , nx = 4 , ny = 2 )
### code chunk number 29: Bei.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.8 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 30: 10tests.Rnw:915-917
plot ( bei , main = "" , cols = "lightgrey" , cex = 0.5 )
plot ( M , add = TRUE , col = if ( monochrome ) "black" else "red" )
### code chunk number 31: 10tests.Rnw:926-927
rr <- round ( range ( residuals ( M )))
### code chunk number 32: 10tests.Rnw:971-972 (eval = FALSE)
## quadrat.test(fit2e, nx=4, ny=2, CR=0)
### code chunk number 33: 10tests.Rnw:985-987
V <- quantess ( Window ( bei ), bei.extra $ grad , 4 )
quadrat.test ( fit2e , tess = V )
### code chunk number 34: 10tests.Rnw:1018-1020
X <- bdspots [[ 2 ]][ square ( c ( -200 , 200 ))]
qX <- quadratcount ( X , 20 , 20 )
### code chunk number 35: 10tests.Rnw:1027-1029
tX <- table ( factor ( as.numeric ( qX ), levels = 0 : max ( qX )))
### code chunk number 36: 10tests.Rnw:1035-1036
options ( digits = 2 )
### code chunk number 37: 10tests.Rnw:1038-1040
eX <- 400 * dpois ( 0 : max ( qX ), mean ( qX ))
### code chunk number 38: 10tests.Rnw:1044-1051
fX <- factor ( as.numeric ( qX ), levels = 0 : max ( qX ))
fX <- mergeLevels ( fX , ">=5" = 5 : 7 )
tX <- table ( fX )
p04 <- dpois ( 0 : 4 , mean ( qX ))
eX <- 400 * c ( p04 , 1 - sum ( p04 ))
### code chunk number 39: 10tests.Rnw:1053-1054
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 40: 10tests.Rnw:1057-1059
X2 <- sum (( tX - eX ) ^ 2 / eX )
( pval <- pchisq ( X2 , df = length ( tX ) -1 , lower.tail = FALSE ))
### code chunk number 41: 10tests.Rnw:1262-1264
grad <- bei.extra $ grad
cdf.test ( fit2e , grad , test = "ks" )
### code chunk number 42: 10tests.Rnw:1351-1363
set.seed ( 19141917 )
## make list of 20 point patterns.
Plist <- list ()
## First entry is 'cells' data
Plist [[ 1 ]] <- cells
## other entries are randomised
for ( i in 2 : 20 )
Plist [[ i ]] <- runifpoint ( npoints ( cells ), Window ( cells ))
Plist <- as.solist ( Plist )
## Evaluate Clark-Evans statistic for 5 patterns
clarkP <- unlist ( lapply ( Plist , clarkevans , correction = "none" ))
clarkP <- round ( clarkP , 3 )
### code chunk number 43: 10tests.Rnw:1366-1367
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 44: 10tests.Rnw:1371-1374
plot ( Plist , main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
equal.scales = TRUE , mar.panel = 0 ,
hsep = 1 / 2 , vsep = 1 / 2 , nrows = 4 , pch = 16 , cex = 0.8 )
### code chunk number 45: 10tests.Rnw:1384-1385
set.seed ( 19141917 )
### code chunk number 46: 10tests.Rnw:1409-1412
opa <- options ( width = 80 )
sort ( clarkP [ -1 ])
par ( opa )
### code chunk number 47: 10tests.Rnw:1578-1579
( Tobs <- clarkevans ( cells , correction = "none" ))
### code chunk number 48: 10tests.Rnw:1585-1590
Tsim <- numeric ( 19 )
for ( i in 1 : 19 ) {
X <- runifpoint ( npoints ( cells ), Window ( cells ))
Tsim [ i ] <- clarkevans ( X , correction = "none" )
### code chunk number 49: 10tests.Rnw:1600-1603
# check this!
if ( ! ( Tobs > max ( Tsim )))
stop ( "Unusual MC test result- pick another seed" )
### code chunk number 50: 10tests.Rnw:1608-1609
( preg <- ( 1 + sum ( Tsim > Tobs )) / ( 1 + length ( Tsim )))
### code chunk number 51: 10tests.Rnw:1612-1613
( pclus <- ( 1 + sum ( Tsim < Tobs )) / ( 1 + length ( Tsim )))
### code chunk number 52: 10tests.Rnw:1616-1617
( peither <- 2 * min ( pclus , preg ))
### code chunk number 53: 10tests.Rnw:1623-1626 (eval = FALSE)
## quadrat.test(redwood, nx=5, alternative="clustered",
## method="MonteCarlo", nsim=999)
## clarkevans.test(redwood, alternative="clustered", nsim=999)
### code chunk number 54: 10tests.Rnw:1741-1747
xxx <- seq ( 0 , 10 , length = 1001 )
scal <- 4 * sqrt ( 2 * pi )
set.seed ( 103 )
xobs <- qnorm ( 0.9 , mean = 5 )
xsim <- rnorm ( 10 , mean = 5 )
ysim <- xobs + ( xsim -5 )
### code chunk number 55: 10tests.Rnw:1752-1753
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 56: 10tests.Rnw:1757-1791
topline <- FALSE
if ( topline ) {
plot ( c ( 0 , 22 ), c ( -2 , 19 ), type = "n" , axes = FALSE , xlab = "" , ylab = "" , main = "" )
} else {
plot ( c ( 0 , 22 ), c ( -2 , 13 ), type = "n" , axes = FALSE , xlab = "" , ylab = "" , main = "" )
lines ( xxx , scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = 5 ))
points ( xobs , 0 , pch = 16 )
points ( xsim , rep ( 0 , length ( xsim )), pch = "|" )
segments ( 0 , 6 , 10 , 6 )
points ( xobs , 6 , pch = 16 )
lines ( xxx , 8 + scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = 5 ))
if ( topline ) {
for ( i in 2 : 8 ) lines ( xxx , 14 + scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = i ), lty = 3 )
for ( i in 2 : 8 ) lines ( 12 + xxx , 14 + scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = i ), lty = 3 )
for ( i in 5 : 9 ) lines ( 12 + xxx , 8 + scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = i ), lty = if ( i == 5 ) 1 else 3 )
segments ( 12 , 6 , 22 , 6 )
points ( 12 + xobs , 6 , pch = 16 )
points ( 12 + xobs , 0 , pch = 16 )
lines ( 12 + xxx , scal * dnorm ( xxx , mean = xobs ), lty = 2 )
points ( 12 + ysim , rep ( 0 , length ( ysim )), pch = "|" )
if ( topline ) {
text ( 5 , 18.5 , "Model" )
text ( 17 , 18.5 , "Model" )
text ( 5 , 12.5 , "Simple null hypothesis" )
text ( 17 , 12.5 , "Composite null hypothesis" )
text ( 5.5 , 6.7 , "Data" )
text ( 17.5 , 6.7 , "Data" )
text ( 2.3 , 3 , "Null model" )
text ( 14 , 3 , "Fitted null model" )
text ( 5 , -1.25 , "Simulations from null model" )
text ( 17 , -1.25 , "Simulations from fitted model" )
### code chunk number 57: 10tests.Rnw:1852-1861
dotest <- function ( X , nsim = 19 ) {
Tobs <- clarkevans ( X , correction = "none" )
Tsim <- numeric ( nsim )
for ( i in 1 : nsim ) {
Xsim <- rpoispp ( intensity ( X ), win = Window ( X ))
Tsim [ i ] <- clarkevans ( Xsim , correction = "none" )
return ( Tobs > max ( Tsim ))
### code chunk number 58: 10tests.Rnw:1869-1877 (eval = FALSE)
## N <- 10000
## lambda <- 50
## rejected <- logical(N)
## for(i in 1:N) {
## X <- rpoispp(lambda)
## rejected[i] <- dotest(X)
## }
## alpha <- mean(rejected)
### code chunk number 59: 10tests.Rnw:2025-2027
set.seed ( 11111918 )
KE <- envelope ( cells , Kest , nsim = 39 )
### code chunk number 60: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 61: 10tests.Rnw:2032-2033
plot ( KE , main = "" , lwd = 4 , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 62: 10tests.Rnw:2162-2164
mad.test ( cells , Lest , nsim = 99 , ginterval = c ( 0 , 0.2 ),
fix.n = TRUE , verbose = FALSE )
### code chunk number 63: 10tests.Rnw:2186-2190
set.seed ( 28283 )
envKglob19 <- envelope ( cells , Kest , nsim = 19 , fix.n = TRUE , global = TRUE ,
savepatterns = TRUE )
envLglob19 <- envelope ( envKglob19 , Lest , global = TRUE , savefuns = TRUE )
### code chunk number 64: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 65: 10tests.Rnw:2195-2198
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( envKglob19 , main = "" , lwd = c ( 4 , 1 , 1 , 1 ), legend = FALSE )
plot ( envLglob19 , main = "" , lwd = c ( 4 , 1 , 1 , 1 ), legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 66: 10tests.Rnw:2300-2301
dclf.test ( cells , Lest , nsim = 99 , fix.n = TRUE , verbose = FALSE )
### code chunk number 67: 10tests.Rnw:2377-2380
set.seed ( 4242422 )
dc <- dclf.test ( cells , Lest , nsim = 19 , fix.n = TRUE , alternative = "less" ,
verbose = FALSE )
### code chunk number 68: 10tests.Rnw:2382-2383 (eval = FALSE)
## dclf.test(cells, Lest, nsim=19, fix.n=TRUE, alternative="less")
### code chunk number 69: 10tests.Rnw:2385-2386
### code chunk number 70: 10tests.Rnw:2439-2441 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(envelope(redwood, Lest, nsim=39))
## plot(envelope(redwood, Lest, nsim=39, global=TRUE))
### code chunk number 71: 10tests.Rnw:2444-2446
EP <- envelope ( redwood , Lest , nsim = 39 , savefuns = TRUE )
EG <- envelope ( EP , global = TRUE )
### code chunk number 72: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 73: 10tests.Rnw:2451-2454
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( EP , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
plot ( EG , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 74: 10tests.Rnw:2592-2596 (eval = FALSE)
## numata <- residualspaper$Fig1
## fit <- ppm(numata ~ polynom(x,y,3))
## E <- envelope(fit, Lest, nsim=19, global=TRUE, correction="border")
## plot(E)
### code chunk number 75: 10tests.Rnw:2603-2605 (eval = FALSE)
## B <- bdspots[[1]]
## fit <- ppm(B ~ 1, Hardcore())
### code chunk number 76: 10tests.Rnw:2609-2610 (eval = FALSE)
## EH <- envelope(fit, Lest, nsim=39, global=TRUE)
### code chunk number 77: 10tests.Rnw:2629-2630 (eval = FALSE)
## e <- expression(rpoispp(100))
### code chunk number 78: 10tests.Rnw:2644-2649 (eval = FALSE)
## n <- npoints(B)
## W <- Window(B)
## r <- min(nndist(B))*n/(n+1)
## e <- expression(rSSI(r, n, W))
## E <- envelope(B, Lest, nsim=39, global=TRUE, simulate=e)
### code chunk number 79: 10tests.Rnw:2664-2667 (eval = FALSE)
## e <- expression(rlabel(amacrine))
## E <- envelope(amacrine, Lcross, nsim=19, global=TRUE, simulate=e)
## plot(E)
### code chunk number 80: 10tests.Rnw:2682-2684 (eval = FALSE)
## Xlist <- runifpoint(42, nsim=99)
## envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=99, simulate=Xlist)
### code chunk number 81: 10tests.Rnw:2689-2691 (eval = FALSE)
## EK <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=99, savepatterns=TRUE)
## Ep <- envelope(cells, pcf, nsim=99, simulate=EK)
### code chunk number 82: 10tests.Rnw:2702-2704 (eval = FALSE)
## EK <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=99, savepatterns=TRUE)
## Ep <- envelope(EK, pcf)
### code chunk number 83: 10tests.Rnw:2711-2713 (eval = FALSE)
## A <- mad.test(cells, Lest, nsim=99, savefuns=TRUE)
## B <- dclf.test(A)
### code chunk number 84: 10tests.Rnw:2774-2776 (eval = FALSE)
## D <- density(X)
## envelope(X, Kinhom, simulate=expression(rpoispp(D)))
### code chunk number 85: 10tests.Rnw:2789-2791 (eval = FALSE)
## D <- density(X)
## envelope(X, Kinhom, lambda=D, simulate=expression(rpoispp(D)))
### code chunk number 86: 10tests.Rnw:2840-2841 (eval = FALSE)
## envelope(redwood, Lest, global=TRUE)
### code chunk number 87: 10tests.Rnw:2880-2883 (eval = FALSE)
## fisher <- function(x) { asin(sqrt(x)) }
## envelope(redwood, Fest, global=TRUE,
## transform=expression(fisher(.)))
### code chunk number 88: 10tests.Rnw:2902-2903 (eval = FALSE)
## envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=100, VARIANCE=TRUE)
### code chunk number 89: 10tests.Rnw:2921-2923
a1 <- envelope ( cells , Lest , nsim = 19 , alternative = "less" )
a2 <- envelope ( cells , Lest , nsim = 19 , alternative = "greater" )
### code chunk number 90: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 91: 10tests.Rnw:2928-2931
plot ( anylist ( a1 , a2 ),
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = c ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 1 ), hsep = 1 , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 92: 10tests.Rnw:2962-2965 (eval = FALSE)
## E1 <- envelope(redwood, Kest, savepatterns=TRUE)
## E2 <- envelope(E1, Gest, global=TRUE,
## transform=expression(fisher(.)))
### code chunk number 93: 10tests.Rnw:2972-2975 (eval = FALSE)
## A1 <- envelope(redwood, Kest, nsim=39, savefuns=TRUE)
## A2 <- envelope(A1, global=TRUE, nsim=19,
## transform=expression(sqrt(./pi)))
### code chunk number 94: 10tests.Rnw:2991-2994 (eval = FALSE)
## E1 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=10, savefuns=TRUE)
## E2 <- envelope(cells, Kest, nsim=20, savefuns=TRUE)
## E <- pool(E1, E2)
### code chunk number 95: 10tests.Rnw:3023-3024 (eval = FALSE)
## dclf.sigtrace(cells, Lest, nsim=19)
### code chunk number 96: 10tests.Rnw:3026-3027
a <- dclf.sigtrace ( cells , Lest , nsim = 19 )
### code chunk number 97: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 98: 10tests.Rnw:3044-3045
plot ( a , main = "" )
### code chunk number 99: 10tests.Rnw:3085-3089
set.seed ( 1234567 )
X <- rescale ( swedishpines )
prog19 <- dclf.progress ( X , Lest , nsim = 19 )
prog1999 <- dclf.progress ( X , Lest , nsim = 1999 , nrank = 100 )
### code chunk number 100: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 101: 10tests.Rnw:3096-3099
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
plot ( prog19 , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
plot ( prog1999 , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 102: 10tests.Rnw:3129-3131 (eval = FALSE)
## X <- rescale(swedishpines)
## plot(dclf.progress(X, Lest, nsim=19))
### code chunk number 103: 10tests.Rnw:3220-3221
D <- dg.test ( cells , Lest , nsim = 19 )
### code chunk number 104: 10tests.Rnw:3223-3224 (eval = FALSE)
## dg.test(cells, Lest, nsim=19)
### code chunk number 105: 10tests.Rnw:3226-3227
### code chunk number 106: 10tests.Rnw:3232-3233 (eval = FALSE)
## dg.test(cells, Lest, nsim=19, exponent=Inf)
### code chunk number 107: 10tests.Rnw:3279-3280
set.seed ( 180981 )
### code chunk number 108: 10tests.Rnw:3282-3285
swp <- rescale ( swedishpines )
E <- dg.envelope ( swp , Lest )
Eo <- dg.envelope ( swp , Lest , alternative = "less" )
### code chunk number 109: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 110: 10tests.Rnw:3291-3294
plot ( anylist ( E , Eo ),
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = c ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 1 ), hsep = 1 , legend = FALSE )