Below is the R code used to generate results and figures in chapter 16.
The code is in a rather raw format extracted from the book manuscript files – please read the instructions for use if you haven’t done so yet.
You can download the script here .
### R code from vignette source '16replicated.Rnw'
## Copyright (C) Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner
### code chunk number 1: 16replicated.Rnw:10-12
source ( "R/startup.R" )
source ( "R/short.output.R" )
### code chunk number 2: 16replicated.Rnw:15-19
Terse <- 2
Digits <- 3
spatstat.options ( terse = Terse )
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 3: 16replicated.Rnw:22-25
#requireversion(book, "3.0-2")
requireversion ( spatstat , "1.42-2.022" )
#requireversion(multippm, "4.1-1")
### code chunk number 4: 16replicated.Rnw:227-228
spatstat.options ( terse = 0 )
### code chunk number 5: 16replicated.Rnw:236-237
### code chunk number 6: 16replicated.Rnw:243-244
spatstat.options ( terse = Terse )
### code chunk number 7: 16replicated.Rnw:255-256
sapply ( waterstriders , npoints )
### code chunk number 8: 16replicated.Rnw:259-260
wins <- lapply ( waterstriders , Window )
### code chunk number 9: 16replicated.Rnw:281-282
solist ( rpoispp ( 100 ), rpoispp ( 100 ))
### code chunk number 10: 16replicated.Rnw:299-300
Y <- solapply ( c ( 10 , 30 , 100 ), rpoispp )
### code chunk number 11: 16replicated.Rnw:309-310
K <- anylist ( Kest ( cells ), Kest ( redwood ))
### code chunk number 12: 16replicated.Rnw:316-317
K <- as.anylist ( lapply ( waterstriders , Kest ))
### code chunk number 13: 16replicated.Rnw:324-325
K <- anylapply ( waterstriders , Kest )
### code chunk number 14: 16replicated.Rnw:344-345 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(K, main="", main.panel=letters[1:3], legend=FALSE)
### code chunk number 15: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 16: 16replicated.Rnw:363-364
plot ( K , main = "" , main.panel = letters [ 1 : 3 ], legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 17: 16replicated.Rnw:384-385
D <- solapply ( split ( amacrine ), density )
### code chunk number 18: Amacrine2E.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 17 , 1 )
setmargins ( 0.1 )
### code chunk number 19: 16replicated.Rnw:390-391
plot ( D , equal.ribbon = TRUE , main = "" , mar.panel = c ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ), hsep = 1 )
### code chunk number 20: 16replicated.Rnw:404-406 (eval = FALSE)
## D <- solapply(split(amacrine), density)
## plot(D, equal.ribbon=TRUE, main="")
### code chunk number 21: 16replicated.Rnw:515-520
G <- hyperframe ( X = c ( 0.23 , 1.76 , 3.14 ), T = anylist ( sin , cos , tan ),
Y = letters [ 1 : 3 ], Z = factor ( letters [ 1 : 3 ]),
W = list ( rpoispp ( 100 ), rpoispp ( 100 ), rpoispp ( 100 )),
U = 42 , V = rpoispp ( 100 ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
### code chunk number 22: 16replicated.Rnw:536-537
WS <- hyperframe ( Striders = waterstriders )
### code chunk number 23: 16replicated.Rnw:560-561
G $ W
### code chunk number 24: 16replicated.Rnw:569-572
G $ U <- letters [ 24 : 26 ]
G $ animal <- c ( "horse" , "dog" , "deer" )
### code chunk number 25: 16replicated.Rnw:575-579
WS <- hyperframe ()
WS $ larvae <- waterstriders
WS $ experiment <- factor ( 1 : 3 )
### code chunk number 26: 16replicated.Rnw:593-594
spatstat.options ( terse = 0 )
### code chunk number 27: 16replicated.Rnw:596-597
G [ 3 , 2 ]
### code chunk number 28: 16replicated.Rnw:599-600
spatstat.options ( terse = Terse )
### code chunk number 29: 16replicated.Rnw:605-606
G [ 3 , 2 , drop = TRUE ]
### code chunk number 30: 16replicated.Rnw:629-630
G [, 2 ] <- anylist ( sqrt , exp , log )
### code chunk number 31: 16replicated.Rnw:653-654
B <- subset ( G , npoints ( W ) > 100 )
### code chunk number 32: 16replicated.Rnw:662-663
B <- subset ( G , minnndist ( W ) < 0.02 , select = Z : V )
### code chunk number 33: 16replicated.Rnw:674-675
head ( pyramidal )
### code chunk number 34: 16replicated.Rnw:692-693
pg <- split ( pyramidal , pyramidal $ group )
### code chunk number 35: Unit5x2t.Rnw:4-5
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 )
### code chunk number 36: 16replicated.Rnw:714-715
plot ( simba , main = "" , nrows = 2 , mar.panel = c ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ), hsep = 1 , vsep = 1 )
### code chunk number 37: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 38: 16replicated.Rnw:736-737 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(h, e)
### code chunk number 39: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 40: 16replicated.Rnw:743-745 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(demohyper,
## quote({ plot(Image, main=""); plot(Points, add=TRUE) }))
### code chunk number 41: Unit3R.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 22 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 )
### code chunk number 42: 16replicated.Rnw:753-756
plot ( demohyper ,
quote ({ plot ( Image , main = "" ); plot ( Points , add = TRUE ) }),
main = "" , parargs = list ( mar = 1.2 * c ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 )))
### code chunk number 43: 16replicated.Rnw:767-769 (eval = FALSE)
## H <- hyperframe(Bugs=waterstriders)
## plot(H, quote(plot(Kest(Bugs))))
### code chunk number 44: 16replicated.Rnw:787-789
df <- data.frame ( A = 1 : 10 , B = 10 : 1 )
with ( df , A - B )
### code chunk number 45: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 46: 16replicated.Rnw:800-801 (eval = FALSE)
## with(h,e)
### code chunk number 47: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 48: 16replicated.Rnw:809-812
H <- hyperframe ( Bugs = waterstriders )
with ( H , npoints ( Bugs ))
D <- with ( H , distmap ( Bugs ))
### code chunk number 49: 16replicated.Rnw:846-847
simba $ Dist <- with ( simba , distmap ( Points ))
### code chunk number 50: 16replicated.Rnw:856-857
with ( simba , npoints ( Points ))
### code chunk number 51: 16replicated.Rnw:862-864
H <- hyperframe ( Gerris = waterstriders )
K <- with ( H , Kest ( Gerris ))
### code chunk number 52: 16replicated.Rnw:869-871
H <- hyperframe ( Gerris = waterstriders )
m <- with ( H , nndist ( Gerris ))
### code chunk number 53: 16replicated.Rnw:876-877
with ( H , min ( nndist ( Gerris )))
### code chunk number 54: 16replicated.Rnw:882-886
set.seed ( 190105 )
lambda <- rexp ( 3 , rate = 1 / 50 )
H <- hyperframe ( lambda = lambda )
H $ Points <- with ( H , rpoispp ( lambda ))
### code chunk number 55: 16replicated.Rnw:893-896 (eval = FALSE)
## lambda <- rexp(3, rate=1/50)
## H <- hyperframe(lambda=lambda)
## H$Points <- with(H, rpoispp(lambda))
### code chunk number 56: 16replicated.Rnw:899-900 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(H, quote(plot(Points, main=lambda)))
### code chunk number 57: 16replicated.Rnw:903-905 (eval = FALSE)
## H$Title <- with(H, parse(text=paste("lambda==", signif(lambda, 3))))
## plot(H, quote(plot(Points, main=Title)))
### code chunk number 58: Unit3t.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 16.1 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 )
### code chunk number 59: 16replicated.Rnw:914-915
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 )
### code chunk number 60: 16replicated.Rnw:920-926
options ( digits = 6 )
plot ( H , quote ( plot ( Points ,
main = parse ( text = paste ( "lambda==" , signif ( lambda , 3 ))))),
marsize = 1 ,
main = "" )
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 61: 16replicated.Rnw:937-938
H $ X <- with ( H , rpoispp ( 50 ))
### code chunk number 62: Unit3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 19 , 0.9 )
zeromargins ()
### code chunk number 63: 16replicated.Rnw:1006-1009
plot ( bdspots , equal.scales = TRUE ,
cex = 0.3 , pch = 16 , main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 0.6 )
### code chunk number 64: OsteoFullT.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 9.5 , 1 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 65: 16replicated.Rnw:1055-1057
plot ( osteo $ pts , main = "" , main.panel = as.character ( osteo $ shortid ),
ncols = 8 , mar.panel = 0.1 + c ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ), pch = 21 , bg = 'white' )
### code chunk number 66: 16replicated.Rnw:1074-1075
head ( osteo )
### code chunk number 67: 16replicated.Rnw:1105-1107
pyr <- pyramidal
levels ( pyr $ group ) <- c ( "c" , "af" , "ph" )
### code chunk number 68: Unit4x8t.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 1 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 69: 16replicated.Rnw:1112-1115
plot ( pyr $ Neurons , main.panel = pyr $ group , main = "" ,
ncols = 8 , mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1 , vsep = 2 , equal.scales = TRUE ,
pch = 16 , cex = 0.7 , cex.main = 0.8 )
### code chunk number 70: Unit2L.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 13 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 4 , 0 , 0 )
### code chunk number 71: 16replicated.Rnw:1210-1218
pa <- function ( i ){ if ( i == 1 )
list ( chars = c ( 16 , 3 ), cex = c ( 1 , 0.6 ),
leg.args = list ( cex = 1 )) else
list ( chars = c ( 16 , 7 )) }
plot ( flu [ c ( 12 , 24 ), 1 ],
panel.args = pa ,
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE ,
mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1 )
### code chunk number 72: 16replicated.Rnw:1269-1273
py <- pyramidal
py $ n <- with ( py , npoints ( Neurons ))
py $ area <- with ( py , area ( Neurons ))
py <- ( py , warn = FALSE )
### code chunk number 73: fvSquat.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.65 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 74: 16replicated.Rnw:1281-1282
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 3 ))
### code chunk number 75: 16replicated.Rnw:1286-1290
plot ( sqrt ( n ) ~ group , data = py )
v <- pretty ( py $ n )
axis ( 4 , at = sqrt ( v ), labels = v )
mtext ( side = 4 , line = 2 , expression ( italic ( n )))
### code chunk number 76: 16replicated.Rnw:1314-1315
sapply ( split ( py $ n / py $ area , py $ group ), mean )
### code chunk number 77: 16replicated.Rnw:1319-1322
ntot <- sapply ( split ( py $ n , py $ group ), sum )
atot <- sapply ( split ( py $ area , py $ group ), sum )
ntot / atot
### code chunk number 78: 16replicated.Rnw:1326-1330
fitn <- glm ( n ~ offset ( log ( area )) + group ,
family = poisson , data = py )
newd <- data.frame ( area = 1 , group = levels ( py $ group ))
predict ( fitn , newdata = newd , type = "response" )
### code chunk number 79: 16replicated.Rnw:1335-1336 (eval = FALSE)
## anova(fitn, test="LRT")
### code chunk number 80: 16replicated.Rnw:1338-1339
skipblanklines ( anova ( fitn , test = "LRT" ))
### code chunk number 81: 16replicated.Rnw:1352-1354
py $ ce <- with ( pyramidal , clarkevans ( Neurons , correction = "Donnelly" ))
sapply ( split ( py $ ce , py $ group ), mean )
### code chunk number 82: 16replicated.Rnw:1363-1365 (eval = FALSE)
## py$z <- with(pyramidal, clarkevans.test(Neurons)$statistic)
## anova(lm(z ~ group, data=py))
### code chunk number 83: 16replicated.Rnw:1367-1369
py $ z <- with ( pyramidal , clarkevans.test ( Neurons ) $ statistic )
skipblanklines ( anova ( lm ( z ~ group , data = py )))
### code chunk number 84: 16replicated.Rnw:1372-1375 (eval = FALSE)
## sdf <-, warn=FALSE)
## sdf$z <- with(simba, clarkevans.test(Points)$statistic)
## anova(lm(z ~ group, data=sdf))
### code chunk number 85: 16replicated.Rnw:1377-1380
sdf <- ( simba , warn = FALSE )
sdf $ z <- with ( simba , clarkevans.test ( Points ) $ statistic )
skipblanklines ( anova ( lm ( z ~ group , data = sdf )))
### code chunk number 86: 16replicated.Rnw:1389-1391 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(pyramidal, quote(plot(density(Neurons), main=group)))
## plot(with(pyramidal, density(Neurons)))
### code chunk number 87: 16replicated.Rnw:1395-1396 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(with(demohyper, rhohat(Points, Image)))
### code chunk number 88: 16replicated.Rnw:1488-1490
Keach <- lapply ( waterstriders , Kest , ratio = TRUE )
Keach [[ 1 ]]
### code chunk number 89: 16replicated.Rnw:1494-1495
K <- pool ( Keach [[ 1 ]], Keach [[ 2 ]], Keach [[ 3 ]])
### code chunk number 90: 16replicated.Rnw:1498-1499
K <- pool ( as.anylist ( Keach ))
### code chunk number 91: 16replicated.Rnw:1549-1551 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(K, cbind(pooliso, pooltheo, loiso, hiiso) ~ r,
## shade=c("loiso", "hiiso"))
### code chunk number 92: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 93: 16replicated.Rnw:1563-1565
plot ( K , cbind ( pooliso , pooltheo , loiso , hiiso ) ~ r ,
shade = c ( "loiso" , "hiiso" ), main = "" )
### code chunk number 94: 16replicated.Rnw:1579-1582
os <- osteo
os $ K <- with ( os , K3est ( pts , ratio = TRUE ))
Kanimal <- anylapply ( split ( os $ K , os $ id ), pool )
### code chunk number 95: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 96: 16replicated.Rnw:1590-1593
plot ( Kanimal [ -1 ], cbind ( pooliso , pooltheo , loiso , hiiso ) / 1e4 ~ r ,
shade = c ( "loiso" , "hiiso" ),
main = "" , legend = FALSE , nrows = 1 )
### code chunk number 97: 16replicated.Rnw:1614-1620
pa <- pyramidal
pa $ L <- with ( pa , Lest ( Neurons ))
Lsplit <- split ( pa $ L , pa $ group )
Leach <- anylapply ( Lsplit , collapse.fv ,
same = "theo" , different = "iso" )
Lpool <- anylapply ( Lsplit , pool )
### code chunk number 98: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 99: 16replicated.Rnw:1626-1630
plot ( Lpool ,
cbind ( pooliso , pooltheo , hiiso , loiso ) - r ~ r ,
shade = c ( "hiiso" , "loiso" ), xlim = c ( 0 , 0.2 ),
equal.scales = TRUE , legend = FALSE , main = "" )
### code chunk number 100: 16replicated.Rnw:1643-1649 (eval = FALSE)
## pa <- pyramidal
## pa$L <- with(pa, Lest(Neurons))
## Lsplit <- split(pa$L, pa$group)
## Lpool <- anylapply(Lsplit, pool)
## plot(Lpool, cbind(pooliso,pooltheo,hiiso,loiso) - r ~ r,
## shade=c("hiiso", "loiso"), xlim=c(0, 0.2), equal.scales=TRUE)
### code chunk number 101: 16replicated.Rnw:1657-1660 (eval = FALSE)
## Leach <- anylapply(Lsplit, collapse.fv,
## same="theo", different="iso")
## plot(Leach, legend=FALSE, xlim=c(0, 0.2), ylim=c(0, 0.2))
### code chunk number 102: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 103: 16replicated.Rnw:1666-1669
plot ( Leach , xlim = c ( 0 , 0.2 ), ylim = c ( 0 , 0.2 ),
equal.scales = TRUE , legend = FALSE , main = "" ,
col = 1 , lty = 1 )
### code chunk number 104: 16replicated.Rnw:1719-1721
set.seed ( 195505 )
testpyramidal <- studpermu.test ( pyramidal , Neurons ~ group )
### code chunk number 105: 16replicated.Rnw:1723-1724 (eval = FALSE)
## testpyramidal <- studpermu.test(pyramidal, Neurons ~ group)
### code chunk number 106: 16replicated.Rnw:1726-1727
### code chunk number 107: 16replicated.Rnw:1755-1761
set.seed ( 12345 )
sample1 <- rpoispp ( 100 , nsim = 10 )
sample2 <- rMaternII ( 110 , 0.02 , nsim = 10 )
patterns <- list ( Poisson = sample1 , MaternII = sample2 )
studpermu.test ( patterns , summaryfunction = pcf , nperm = 199 ,
interval = c ( 0 , 0.15 ))
### code chunk number 108: 16replicated.Rnw:1792-1794
set.seed ( 1809981 )
stp <- studpermu.test ( pyramidal , summaryfunction = Lest , use.Tbar = TRUE )
### code chunk number 109: 16replicated.Rnw:1796-1797 (eval = FALSE)
## studpermu.test(pyramidal, summaryfunction = Lest, use.Tbar = TRUE)
### code chunk number 110: 16replicated.Rnw:1799-1800
### code chunk number 111: 16replicated.Rnw:1815-1817
waka2 <- split ( cut ( waka , breaks = c ( 0 , 20 , 200 ),
labels = c ( "small" , "large" )))
### code chunk number 112: Unit2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 113: 16replicated.Rnw:1823-1824
plot ( waka2 , main = "" , mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1 , pch = 16 )
### code chunk number 114: 16replicated.Rnw:1839-1841 (eval = FALSE)
## waka2 <- split(cut(waka, breaks=c(0,20,200),
## labels = c("small", "large")))
### code chunk number 115: 16replicated.Rnw:1844-1845
Lwak <- anylapply ( waka2 , Lest , correction = "iso" )
### code chunk number 116: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 117: 16replicated.Rnw:1855-1863
plot ( Lwak [[ 1 ]], main = "" , . - r ~ r ,
lty = c ( "dashed" , "dotdash" ), lwd = c ( 2 , 1 ), col = 1 ,
ylim = c ( -.4 , .8 ), main = "" , legend = FALSE )
plot ( Lwak [[ 2 ]], iso - r ~ r , lwd = 2 , add = TRUE )
# legend("topright",
# c("big", "small", "Poisson"),
# lty=c("solid", "dashed", "dotdash"),
# lwd=c(2,2,1), bty="n")
### code chunk number 118: 16replicated.Rnw:1877-1879
subwindows <- quadrats ( waka , 3 , 3 )
treegroups <- lapply ( waka2 , split , f = subwindows )
### code chunk number 119: 16replicated.Rnw:1890-1891
set.seed ( 1989001 )
### code chunk number 120: 16replicated.Rnw:1893-1895
wakatest <- studpermu.test ( treegroups , summaryfunction = Lest ,
rinterval = c ( 5 , 15 ))
### code chunk number 121: 16replicated.Rnw:1900-1901
options ( digits = 5 ) # print.htest subtracts 3
### code chunk number 122: 16replicated.Rnw:1903-1904
### code chunk number 123: 16replicated.Rnw:1906-1907
options ( digits = Digits )
### code chunk number 124: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 125: 16replicated.Rnw:1937-1938
plot ( wakatest , . - r ~ r , lwd.mean = 2 )
### code chunk number 126: cache
sizes <- cut ( marks ( waka ), breaks = c ( 0 , 20 , 200 ),
labels = c ( "small" , "large" ))
arbres <- nestsplit ( waka , sizes , quadrats ( waka , nx = 3 , ny = 3 ))
### code chunk number 127: 16replicated.Rnw:1972-1973 (eval = FALSE)
## arbres <- nestsplit(waka, sizes, nx=3, ny=3)
### code chunk number 128: 16replicated.Rnw:1976-1977
set.seed ( 195507 )
### code chunk number 129: 16replicated.Rnw:1979-1980
epreuveWaka <- studpermu.test ( arbres , pts ~ f1 )
### code chunk number 130: 16replicated.Rnw:2023-2026
bro <- unmark ( bronzefilter )
mx <- median ( coords ( bro ) $ x )
halves <- chop.tess ( Window ( bro ), infline ( v = mx ))
### code chunk number 131: Bronze.Rnw:3-4
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 132: 16replicated.Rnw:2039-2041
plot ( halves , main = "" , lwd = 2 )
plot ( bro , add = TRUE , pch = 19 , cex = 0.5 )
### code chunk number 133: 16replicated.Rnw:2052-2053
Ks <- anylapply ( split ( bro , halves ), Kscaled )
### code chunk number 134: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 135: 16replicated.Rnw:2060-2063
#plot(collapse.fv(left=Ks[[1]], right=Ks[[2]], same="theo", different="iso"),
# main="")
plot ( Ks , main = "" , main.panel = c ( "left" , "right" ), legend = FALSE , xlim = c ( 0 , 1.5 ))
### code chunk number 136: 16replicated.Rnw:2074-2076
bronzerho <- rhohat ( bro , "x" , method = "tr" )
bronzelambda <- predict ( bronzerho )
### code chunk number 137: fvSquat.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.65 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 138: 16replicated.Rnw:2088-2089
plot ( bronzerho , main = "" , ylim = c ( 0 , 14 ))
### code chunk number 139: 16replicated.Rnw:2100-2101
Ki <- anylapply ( split ( bro , halves ), Kinhom , lambda = bronzelambda )
### code chunk number 140: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 141: 16replicated.Rnw:2108-2111
#plot(collapse.fv(left=Ki[[1]], right=Ki[[2]], same="theo", different="iso"),
# main="")
plot ( Ki , main = "" , main.panel = c ( "left" , "right" ), legend = FALSE , xlim = c ( 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 142: 16replicated.Rnw:2134-2135
bronze6 <- quantess ( bro , "x" , 6 )
### code chunk number 143: Bronze.Rnw:3-4
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 144: 16replicated.Rnw:2142-2144
plot ( bronze6 , main = "" )
plot ( bro , add = TRUE , pch = 19 , cex = 0.5 )
### code chunk number 145: 16replicated.Rnw:2154-2155
b63 <- nestsplit ( bro , bronze6 , ny = 3 )
### code chunk number 146: 16replicated.Rnw:2161-2162
head ( b63 )
### code chunk number 147: 16replicated.Rnw:2166-2167
b63 $ inten <- factor ( as.integer ( b63 $ f1 ) <= 3 , labels = c ( "Hi" , "Lo" ))
### code chunk number 148: 16replicated.Rnw:2170-2171
set.seed ( 4242401 )
### code chunk number 149: 16replicated.Rnw:2173-2177
locTest <- studpermu.test ( b63 , pts ~ inten , summaryfunction = Kscaled ,
rinterval = c ( 0 , 1.5 ))
corrTest <- studpermu.test ( b63 , pts ~ inten , summaryfunction = Kinhom ,
lambda = bronzelambda , rinterval = c ( 0 , 0.7 ))
### code chunk number 150: 16replicated.Rnw:2180-2182
### code chunk number 151: 16replicated.Rnw:2215-2216
mppm ( Points ~ 1 , simba )
### code chunk number 152: 16replicated.Rnw:2238-2239
mppm ( Points ~ group , simba )
### code chunk number 153: 16replicated.Rnw:2243-2244
mppm ( Points ~ id , simba )
### code chunk number 154: 16replicated.Rnw:2249-2250
simba2 <- simba [ c ( FALSE , TRUE ), ]
### code chunk number 155: 16replicated.Rnw:2258-2259
mppm ( Points ~ Image , data = demohyper )
### code chunk number 156: 16replicated.Rnw:2275-2277
mppm ( Points ~ Group / Image , data = demohyper )
mppm ( Points ~ ( Group -1 ) / Image , data = demohyper )
### code chunk number 157: 16replicated.Rnw:2331-2332 (eval = FALSE)
## mppm(Points ~ 1, simba, random = ~ 1 | id)
### code chunk number 158: 16replicated.Rnw:2355-2367
H <- hyperframe ( P = waterstriders )
mod <- mppm ( P ~ 1 , data = H , random =~ 1 | id )
## extract fixed effect intercept
mu <- fixef ( mod )
## extract random effect mean and variance
ss <- summary ( mod )
sigma <- exp ( as.numeric ( ss $ ranef $ reStruct $ id ))
lambda <- exp ( mu + sigma ^ 2 / 2 )
mu <- signif ( mu , Digits )
sigma <- signif ( sigma , Digits )
lambda <- signif ( lambda , Digits )
### code chunk number 159: 16replicated.Rnw:2373-2375 (eval = FALSE)
## H <- hyperframe(P=waterstriders)
## mppm(P ~ 1, data=H, random=~1|id)
### code chunk number 160: 16replicated.Rnw:2377-2378
### code chunk number 161: 16replicated.Rnw:2400-2401 (eval = FALSE)
## mppm(Neurons ~ group, data=pyramidal, random=~1|id)
### code chunk number 162: 16replicated.Rnw:2403-2404
m <- mppm ( Neurons ~ group , data = pyramidal , random =~ 1 | id )
### code chunk number 163: 16replicated.Rnw:2406-2408
# Don't print all 31 random effects estimates..
short.output ( m , 1-10 , 36-60 , excised = "\n [...] \n " )
### code chunk number 164: 16replicated.Rnw:2486-2488 (eval = FALSE)
## fitpyr <-mppm(Neurons ~ group, data=pyramidal, random=~1|id)
## anova(fitpyr)
### code chunk number 165: 16replicated.Rnw:2490-2491
anova ( m )
### code chunk number 166: 16replicated.Rnw:2524-2525
mppm ( Points ~ id , data = simba2 , interaction = Strauss ( 0.07 ))
### code chunk number 167: 16replicated.Rnw:2545-2548
fiteach <- mppm ( Points ~ id , data = simba2 , interaction = Strauss ( 0.07 ),
iformula = ~ Interaction : id )
### code chunk number 168: 16replicated.Rnw:2558-2560
fitgr <- mppm ( Points ~ group , simba2 , Strauss ( 0.07 ),
iformula = ~ Interaction : group )
### code chunk number 169: 16replicated.Rnw:2572-2573
### code chunk number 170: 16replicated.Rnw:2575-2577
co <- coef ( fitgr )
si <- function ( x ) { signif ( x , 4 ) }
### code chunk number 171: 16replicated.Rnw:2579-2585
# sanity check
expectednames <- c ( "(Intercept)" ,
"grouptreatment" ,
"groupcontrol:Interaction" ,
"grouptreatment:Interaction" )
stopifnot ( identical ( names ( coef ( fitgr )), expectednames ))
### code chunk number 172: 16replicated.Rnw:2589-2590
coef ( fitgr )
### code chunk number 173: 16replicated.Rnw:2631-2632
radii <- with ( simba2 , mean ( nndist ( Points )))
### code chunk number 174: 16replicated.Rnw:2637-2639
Rad <- hyperframe ( R = radii )
Str <- with ( Rad , Strauss ( R ))
### code chunk number 175: 16replicated.Rnw:2642-2644
Int <- hyperframe ( str = Str )
mppm ( Points ~ 1 , simba2 , interaction = Int )
### code chunk number 176: 16replicated.Rnw:2658-2659 (eval = FALSE)
## mppm(Points ~ id, simba2, interaction=Int, iformula = ~str:group)
### code chunk number 177: 16replicated.Rnw:2669-2672
h <- hyperframe ( Y = waterstriders )
g <- hyperframe ( po = Poisson (), str4 = Strauss ( 4 ), str7 = Strauss ( 7 ))
mppm ( Y ~ 1 , data = h , interaction = g , iformula =~ str4 )
### code chunk number 178: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 179: 16replicated.Rnw:2684-2685 (eval = FALSE)
## interaction=hyperframe(po=Poisson(), str=Strauss(0.07))
### code chunk number 180: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 181: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 182: 16replicated.Rnw:2691-2692 (eval = FALSE)
## iformula=~ifelse(group=="control", po, str)
### code chunk number 183: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 184: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 185: 16replicated.Rnw:2705-2706 (eval = FALSE)
## iformula=~I((group=="control")*po) + I((group=="treatment") * str)
### code chunk number 186: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 187: 16replicated.Rnw:2716-2721
g <- hyperframe ( po = Poisson (), str = Strauss ( 0.07 ))
fit2 <- mppm ( Points ~ 1 , simba2 , g ,
iformula =~ I (( group == "control" ) * po )
+ I (( group == "treatment" ) * str ))
### code chunk number 188: 16replicated.Rnw:2731-2735
fit2a <- mppm ( Points ~ 1 , simba2 , g ,
iformula =~ I (( group == "treatment" ) * str ))
fit2b <- mppm ( Points ~ 1 , simba2 , Strauss ( 0.07 ),
iformula =~ I (( group == "treatment" ) * Interaction ))
### code chunk number 189: 16replicated.Rnw:2756-2758
## temporarily suppress standard errors etc
op <- spatstat.options ( print.ppm.SE = "never" )
### code chunk number 190: 16replicated.Rnw:2766-2769
H <- hyperframe ( W = waterstriders )
fit <- mppm ( W ~ 1 , H )
subfits ( fit )
### code chunk number 191: 16replicated.Rnw:2794-2796
fitI <- mppm ( W ~ id , H )
subI <- subfits ( fitI )
### code chunk number 192: 16replicated.Rnw:2799-2800
subII <- with ( H , ppm ( W ~ 1 ))
### code chunk number 193: 16replicated.Rnw:2805-2807
## reinstate standard errors
spatstat.options ( op )
### code chunk number 194: 16replicated.Rnw:2821-2823
fit <- mppm ( P ~ x , hyperframe ( P = waterstriders ))
res <- residuals ( fit , type = "Pearson" )
### code chunk number 195: 16replicated.Rnw:2832-2833
smor <- with ( hyperframe ( res = res ), Smooth ( res , sigma = 4 ))
### code chunk number 196: Unit3R.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 22 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 )
### code chunk number 197: 16replicated.Rnw:2843-2844
plot ( smor , main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.ribbon = TRUE )
### code chunk number 198: 16replicated.Rnw:2857-2858
sapply ( res , integral.msr )
### code chunk number 199: 16replicated.Rnw:2862-2866
mod <- mppm ( Neurons ~ group * x , data = pyramidal )
res <- residuals ( mod , type = "raw" )
df <- ( pyramidal , warn = FALSE )
df $ resid <- sapply ( res , integral.msr )
### code chunk number 200: 16replicated.Rnw:2868-2869 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(resid ~ group, df)
### code chunk number 201: fvSquat.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.65 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 202: 16replicated.Rnw:2876-2877
plot ( resid ~ group , df )
### code chunk number 203: 16replicated.Rnw:2891-2893
fit <- mppm ( P ~ 1 , hyperframe ( P = waterstriders ))
subs <- hyperframe ( Model = subfits ( fit ))
### code chunk number 204: 16replicated.Rnw:2895-2896 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(subs, quote(diagnose.ppm(Model)))
### code chunk number 205: fv3.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12.5 , 1.0 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 206: 16replicated.Rnw:2908-2911
plot ( subs ,
quote ( diagnose.ppm ( Model , plot.neg = "contour" , xlab = "" , ylab = "" , rlab = "" )),
main = "" )
### code chunk number 207: 16replicated.Rnw:2927-2935
H <- hyperframe ( P = waterstriders )
fitall <- mppm ( P ~ 1 , H )
together <- subfits ( fitall )
separate <- with ( H , ppm ( P ))
Fits <- hyperframe ( Together = together , Separate = separate )
dr <- with ( Fits , unlist ( coef ( Separate )) - unlist ( coef ( Together )))
exp ( dr )
### code chunk number 208: 16replicated.Rnw:2951-2958
H <- hyperframe ( X = waterstriders )
# Poisson with constant intensity for all patterns
fit1 <- mppm ( X ~ 1 , H )
quadrat.test ( fit1 , nx = 2 )
# uniform Poisson with different intensity for each pattern
fit2 <- mppm ( X ~ id , H )
quadrat.test ( fit2 , nx = 2 )
### code chunk number 209: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 210: 16replicated.Rnw:2979-2980 (eval = FALSE)
## cdf.test(model, covariate, test)
### code chunk number 211: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )