Below is the R code used to generate results and figures in chapter 15.
The code is in a rather raw format extracted from the book manuscript files – please read the instructions for use if you haven’t done so yet.
You can download the script here .
### R code from vignette source '15multivariate.Rnw'
## Copyright (C) Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner
### code chunk number 1: 15multivariate.Rnw:9-10
source ( "R/startup.R" )
### code chunk number 2: SprucesL.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 7.1 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0.5 , 0 , 0 )
### code chunk number 3: 15multivariate.Rnw:133-134
plot ( spruces , main = "" , markscale = 4 )
### code chunk number 4: Unit2L.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 13 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 4 , 0 , 0 )
### code chunk number 5: 15multivariate.Rnw:171-172
setmargins ( 0 , 0.7 , 0 , 0 )
### code chunk number 6: 15multivariate.Rnw:176-177
plot ( finpines , main = "" , markscale = 0.1 , mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1.2 )
### code chunk number 7: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 8: 15multivariate.Rnw:216-220
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 2 ))
hist ( marks ( spruces ), main = "" )
hist ( marks ( longleaf ), main = "" )
par ( mfrow = c ( 1 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 9: 15multivariate.Rnw:234-236 (eval = FALSE)
## Hp <- anylapply(marks(finpines), hist, plot=FALSE)
## plot(Hp)
### code chunk number 10: 15multivariate.Rnw:240-241 (eval = FALSE)
## pairs(marks(finpines))
### code chunk number 11: 15multivariate.Rnw:244-246 (eval = FALSE)
## pairs(marks(finpines), diag.panel=panel.histogram)
## with(marks(finpines), plot(diameter ~ height))
### code chunk number 12: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 13: 15multivariate.Rnw:257-258
with ( marks ( finpines ), plot ( diameter ~ height ))
### code chunk number 14: 15multivariate.Rnw:268-270
vols <- with ( marks ( finpines ), ( pi / 12 ) * height * diameter ^ 2 )
X <- finpines %mark% vols
### code chunk number 15: 15multivariate.Rnw:289-290 (eval = FALSE)
## pairs(
### code chunk number 16: 15multivariate.Rnw:311-312
Y <- cut ( longleaf , breaks = c ( 0 , 30 , Inf ), labels = c ( "J" , "A" ))
### code chunk number 17: Unit.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.7 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 18: 15multivariate.Rnw:325-327
X <- cut ( longleaf , breaks = c ( 0 , 30 , Inf ), right = FALSE , labels = c ( "J" , "A" ))
plot ( X , main = "" , chars = c ( 20 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 19: 15multivariate.Rnw:351-352 (eval = FALSE)
## NB <- cut(nbfires, "fnl.size", breaks=4)
### code chunk number 20: 15multivariate.Rnw:360-361
big.old <- subset ( nbfires , fnl.size > 10 & < "2001-01-01" )
### code chunk number 21: 15multivariate.Rnw:368-370
longsmooth <- Smooth ( longleaf , bw.smoothppp )
longnear <- nnmark ( longleaf )
### code chunk number 22: 15multivariate.Rnw:396-397 (eval = FALSE)
## longsmooth <- Smooth(longleaf, bw.smoothppp)
### code chunk number 23: Unit2R.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 13 , 0.9 )
setmargins ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 4 )
### code chunk number 24: 15multivariate.Rnw:408-411
plot ( solist ( longsmooth , longnear ),
main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
equal.ribbon = TRUE , mar.panel = 0 , hsep = 1 )
### code chunk number 25: 15multivariate.Rnw:496-497
msd <- sqrt ( markvar ( longleaf , bw.smoothppp ))
### code chunk number 26: 15multivariate.Rnw:503-511
mfit <- Smooth ( longleaf , bw.smoothppp , at = "points" )
res <- marks ( longleaf ) - mfit
stuff <- solist ( layered ( msd ,
plotargs = list ( ribside = "bottom" )),
layered ( setmarks ( longleaf , res ),
plotargs = list ( leg.side = "bottom" )),
layered ( idw ( longleaf ),
plotargs = list ( ribside = "bottom" )))
### code chunk number 27: 15multivariate.Rnw:516-517
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 28: 15multivariate.Rnw:522-525
plot ( stuff ,
main = "" , main.panel = "" , equal.scales = TRUE , valign = TRUE ,
mar.panel = c ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), hsep = 0.5 )
### code chunk number 29: 15multivariate.Rnw:541-541
### code chunk number 30: 15multivariate.Rnw:553-555 (eval = FALSE)
## mfit <- Smooth(longleaf, bw.smoothppp, at="points")
## res <- marks(longleaf) - mfit
### code chunk number 31: 15multivariate.Rnw:703-705 (eval = FALSE)
## envelope(spruces, markcorr, nsim=39,
## simulate=expression(rlabel(spruces)))
### code chunk number 32: 15multivariate.Rnw:713-716
set.seed ( 27291 )
emcs <- envelope ( spruces , markcorr , nsim = 39 ,
simulate = expression ( rlabel ( spruces )))
### code chunk number 33: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 34: 15multivariate.Rnw:722-724
plot ( emcs , main = "" , ylim.covers = c ( 0.5 , 1.1 ),
legendpos = "top" , legendargs = list ( cex = 0.85 ))
### code chunk number 35: 15multivariate.Rnw:787-792
set.seed ( 6876109 )
smki <- Kmark ( spruces , returnL = TRUE )
smke <- envelope ( spruces , Kmark , returnL = TRUE ,
simulate = expression ( rlabel ( spruces )),
nsim = 1999 , nrank = 50 , savefuns = TRUE )
### code chunk number 36: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 37: 15multivariate.Rnw:798-799 (eval = FALSE)
## Kmark(X, f, ...)
### code chunk number 38: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 39: 15multivariate.Rnw:808-812 (eval = FALSE)
## smki <- Kmark(spruces, returnL=TRUE)
## smke <- envelope(spruces, Kmark, returnL=TRUE,
## simulate=expression(rlabel(spruces)),
## nsim=1999, nrank=50, savefuns=TRUE)
### code chunk number 40: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 41: 15multivariate.Rnw:824-827
plot ( anylist ( smki , smke ), main.panel = "" , main = "" ,
panel.args = function ( i ) if ( i == 1 ) list () else list ( . - mmean ~ r ),
legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 42: 15multivariate.Rnw:847-849
Lspruce <- Lest ( spruces )
diffL <- eval.fv ( smki - Lspruce )
### code chunk number 43: 15multivariate.Rnw:902-903
mv <- markvario ( spruces )
### code chunk number 44: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 45: 15multivariate.Rnw:908-909
plot ( mv , main = "" , legendpos = "top" )
### code chunk number 46: 15multivariate.Rnw:951-953
ES <- Emark ( spruces )
VS <- Vmark ( spruces )
### code chunk number 47: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 48: 15multivariate.Rnw:958-960
plot ( anylist ( ES , VS ), main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
panel.args = function ( i ) list ( ylim.covers = if ( i == 1 ) c ( 0 , 0.3 ) else 0 ))
### code chunk number 49: 15multivariate.Rnw:984-985
nnmean ( spruces )
### code chunk number 50: 15multivariate.Rnw:997-998
nnvario ( spruces )
### code chunk number 51: 15multivariate.Rnw:1029-1031
nncorr ( spruces )
nncorr ( finpines )
### code chunk number 52: 15multivariate.Rnw:1043-1045
rr <- nncorr ( spruces )[[ "correlation" ]]
sqrt ( 2 * ( 1 - rr ^ 2 ) / ( npoints ( spruces ) -4 ))
### code chunk number 53: Unit.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.7 )
setmargins ( 0 )
### code chunk number 54: 15multivariate.Rnw:1078-1080
X <- osteo $ pts [[ 36 ]]
plot ( X , main = "" , pch = 21 , bg = 'white' , cex = 1.2 )
### code chunk number 55: 15multivariate.Rnw:1136-1137
X <- osteo $ pts [[ 36 ]]
### code chunk number 56: 15multivariate.Rnw:1145-1149 (eval = FALSE)
## copyExampleFiles("osteo")
## xyz <- read.table("osteo36.txt", header=TRUE)
## b <- box3(c(0,81),c(0,100),c(-100,0),unitname=c("micron", "microns"))
## X <- with(xyz, pp3(x, y, z, b))
### code chunk number 57: 15multivariate.Rnw:1151-1153
summary ( X )
### code chunk number 58: 15multivariate.Rnw:1199-1200 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(X, main="", pch=21, bg='white', cex=1.2)
### code chunk number 59: PromptOff.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = " " )
### code chunk number 60: 15multivariate.Rnw:1270-1271 (eval = FALSE)
## K3est(X, ..., rmax, nrval, correction)
### code chunk number 61: PromptOn.Rnw:1-2
options ( prompt = "> " )
### code chunk number 62: 15multivariate.Rnw:1284-1286
KX <- K3est ( X )
EK <- envelope ( X , K3est , nsim = 1999 , nrank = 50 , nrval = 512 )
### code chunk number 63: fv2.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 12 , 0.95 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 1 ))
### code chunk number 64: 15multivariate.Rnw:1292-1297
pan <- function ( i ) {
if ( i == 1 ) list () else list ( fmla = sqrt ( . ) ~ r , legendargs = list ( cex = 0.85 ))
plot ( anylist ( KX , EK ), main = "" , main.panel = "" ,
mar.panel = c ( 3 , 3 , 0 , 0 ), hsep = 2 , panel.args = pan )
### code chunk number 65: 15multivariate.Rnw:1340-1342 (eval = FALSE)
## E <- envelope(X, K3est, nsim=1999, nrank=50, nrval=512)
## plot(E, sqrt(.) ~ r)
### code chunk number 66: 15multivariate.Rnw:1380-1381
p3 <- pcf3est ( X )
### code chunk number 67: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 68: 15multivariate.Rnw:1386-1387
plot ( p3 , main = "" )
### code chunk number 69: 15multivariate.Rnw:1425-1426
G3 <- G3est ( X )
### code chunk number 70: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 71: 15multivariate.Rnw:1431-1432
plot ( G3 , main = "" , legend = FALSE )
### code chunk number 72: 15multivariate.Rnw:1449-1452
v <- eroded.volumes ( domain ( X ), c ( 0 , 10 , 20 , 30 ))
f <- v / v [ 1 ]
round ( f , 2 )
### code chunk number 73: 15multivariate.Rnw:1530-1531
F3 <- F3est ( X , sphere = "digital" )
### code chunk number 74: fv.Rnw:3-5
newplot ( 6 , 0.5 )
setmargins ( 0.5 + c ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 ))
### code chunk number 75: 15multivariate.Rnw:1537-1538
plot ( F3 , main = "" )
### code chunk number 76: 15multivariate.Rnw:1615-1622
df <- data.frame ( x = runif ( 100 , max = 3 ),
y = runif ( 100 , max = 3 ),
z = runif ( 100 , max = 2 ),
t = runif ( 100 ))
bb <- boxx ( c ( 0 , 3 ), c ( 0 , 3 ), c ( 0 , 2 ), c ( 0 , 1 ))
X <- ppx ( data = df , domain = bb , coord.type = c ( "s" , "s" , "s" , "t" ))
### code chunk number 77: 15multivariate.Rnw:1631-1633
marks ( X ) <- with ( as.hyperframe ( df ), disc ( centre = c ( x , y )))